2024 1st Quarter Professional Development Training: Artificial Intelligence
Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
1st Session: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
2nd Session: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
TPOD 1, NMC Campus
$50.00/Chamber Member
$60.00/Future Chamber Members
Register three (3) or more participants and receive $5.00 off each registrant!
Register today to join Mr. Jerome C. Ortiz, Interim IT Director of Northern Marianas College, for a professional development training session on "Artificial Intelligence" Gain practical insights into topics such as:
- Understanding AI Basics: This training session will introduce essential concepts and skills for setting up and utilizing platforms like ChatGPT and other AI technologies.
- AI in the Workplace: Participants will gain hands-on experience in deploying AI for problem-solving and content generation.
- Introduction to AI: This training session will provide a solid introduction to navigating the AI landscape and teach how to effectively integrate AI tools into day-to-day operations.
For more information or to register, please call 670-234-7150 or email contactus@saipanchamber.org.
Take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your business's resilience professionally and straightforwardly.
Thank you, Si Yu'us Ma'åsi' yan Ghilisow from your Chamber Familia!